Have you got 5 minutes?
The Narratives Library has been created around one simple idea, we all love stories. How much more wonderful can it be then to hear the voice of the person who wrote the story , reading their own words just for you?
This library provides a permanent, online resource for community radio stations, educational institutions, book clubs, writers and readers – anyone who is interested in books , stories and writing.
Most of our reads are just 5 minutes, so you can dip in and out of History, Crime, Fantasy, Romance – whatever takes your fancy – until something does! And you are hearing the voice of the person who wrote the words!
Want to find out more?
Check the Posts for interviews with the author, or the Podcasts for longer reads and interviews.
This website is free to use, but a donation is always welcome!
Don’t miss out on our regular updates SUBSCRIBE and every time we add a new author or Podcast you will receive notification.
Who is reading What?
Judging from our stats , visitors to this website are interested in a wide range of categories and styles. We are regularly gathering over a million hits per year now and are always fascinated to see authors we may have recorded two years before suddenly appear again . A book never dies! Authors are eternal!
Final 2024 stats – was anybody listening?
They certainly were!…
We are pleased to announce that annually we are getting over 3 million hits! That’s over 2 million authors files listened to!

EXCITING New categories!
Science, the Environment and Health
This category now is for all the authors who are writing factual books on current issues facing us today – our environment, climate change, natural history and health and medical matters.
Speculative Fiction, Fantasy and S.F
This is our ever growing category for Speculative fiction and Fantasy, an increasingly popular genre.
First Nations Experience
‘First Nations Experience‘.
This category will include Indigenous memoir, novels and history as well as European re -examination of First Nations History .
All Indigenous writers will still be listed as well under their previous categories, this new section is to enable visitors who wish specifically to read of First Nations experience in Australia.
We have also added a ‘Zine’ category to cover comic book authors, zine producers, and poetry zines. Zines are a training ground for many young journalists and illustrators and writers and are increasingly being included in Writers Festivals and at featured Zine Fairs.

As sole creator of the Narratives Library concept and website I am thrilled to announce we have been awarded GOLD in the Hermes Creative Awards. This Global competition attracts up to 10,000 entries worldwide.

Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals involved in the concept, writing, and design of traditional and emerging media. Hermes Creative Awards recognizes outstanding work in the industry while promoting the philanthropic nature of marketing and communication professionals.
Being a Platinum or Gold Winner is a tremendous achievement!

2025 Narratives recording schedule
Kyogle Readers Festival
Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival
Byron Writers Festival
BAD Crime Festival
Conflux Speculative Fiction Festival

The Narratives Library is linked to the radio program Arts Canvass on Bay FM 99.9 . Find us on Spotify under ‘Narratives library National Edition’ for Podcasts and many other podcast platforms including Amazon.
This year we are finally back Australia wide on the Community Radio Network. Available to 110 regional station programmers. So if your local community radio isn’t playing us, just ask them to download it from the CRN program guide.

I am always too busy recording authors to take pictures but here are a few random pics.

The Bellingen Writers Festival

Author Richard Harland at Conflux 2023
with his latest novel ‘Ferren and the Angel’

Author Jess Kitching reading from ‘Lucky Number 11’ at BAD 2023.
Our outdoor festival recording van

REMEMBER: To hear the interviews just subscribe to our posts – free, private and entertaining and informative!
But enough of us…….

Listen to small excerpts from authors reading on many different themes by clicking on the tab that interests you in the top bar or use the box on the right hand side of the page . You can also search for authors by name in the INDEX page.
Once in your chosen category, the authors are listed alphabetically by surname. Scroll down the page to the author that interests you and click on sound bar to hear the author reading from their book.
Something longer? Go to my PODCASTS page and settle in for half an hour – lots more reads and interviews and beautiful music in every edition. Subscribe so you don’t miss an edition. (It’s free!)

This library will be added to on a regular basis and over time it will contain hundreds of audio samples of authors reading from their own work on particular themes but most will be no longer than 5 minutes.The number of Themes will also be enlarged as we record more and more authors.
If you are a published author and would like to be included here, please contact us – narrativeslibrary@gmail.com – so we can make it happen. If you are already listed here feel free to use the page links to help promote your work.

This is a global platform for your author’s work, and also a link to over 300 community radio stations around the nation. This is a free access site for users whether consumers or producers ( however there is a donation button over on the left there, think of all the work we are doing on behalf of the book industry!)
Email us : narrativeslibrary@gmail .com
Can’t listen in to our radio broadcasts? No problem, just go to our PODCASTS on this site or subscribe to receive POSTS and updates
Narratives Podcasts are also available on wherever you choose to get your podcasts. Just go to Narratives Library National Edition. There you can also hear our Quickpods- one author with interviews or reads on these sites.

Updated every WEEK with the latest edition. Subscribe and you won’t miss out. (It’s free!)

These readings make great spoken word content additions to a wide range of programs for both Community Radio and Commercial radio. Contact us to learn how we can deliver material ready to go and even make up longer programs around specific subjects.If you work in Radio and would like to use these reads they all have full clearance. For Narratives National contact the Community Radio Network.
Check our F.A.Q’s for answers to your questions.
This project is brought to you by Karena Wynn-Moylan of Arts Canvass and Bay FM 99.9.
Karena’s two hour weekly program ‘Arts Canvass’ has been on air for nearly 26 years and is consistently in the top 10% of listener-ship for Bay FM 99.9 programs. Her Arts Canvass internet site of interviews with authors has an average 15,000 hits per month. Click on the Arts Canvass blog link to listen to more author interviews – most authors reading here have been interviewed as well. and can be heard on the PODCASTS or by subscribing to the POSTS.

Karena’s writing and producing credits include winning the CBAA Spoken Word Documentary Award in 2014 for her 3 part series ” Memories of Sarajevo” which was also awarded the Bronze Award – Social Issues 2015 New York Festivals World’s Best Radio Programs International Competition. This series also received an Honourable Mention for Radio Documentary 2015 International Association of Women in Radio & Television Awards. She was awarded a Hermes Creative award for Website Design for the Narratives website and also has been listed in NSW Parliamentary records as contributing to the betterment of the community. In 2022 ,she was awarded a Communitas award for community leadership. She is also a Fine Artist, Songwriter and Composer , and Filmmaker.

Karena and author L.A Larkin
L.A reads from her thriller ‘Devour’ in Crime
Dr. Peter Wynn-Moylan

Peter is in charge of onsite co-ordination and scheduling. His second book ‘ Conferences and Conventions, a Global Industry- 4th edition’ co-authored with Tony Rogers has just been published by Routledge.
I think he is vastly over qualified for his position!

Peter is currently writing a novel – ‘Nero’s Editor’ -about Nero’s events manager! Stay tuned!

We’d welcome a few book loving sponsors, just drop an email at narrativeslibrary@gmail.com
We are thinking gin, coffee, chocolates, herbal teas?

Oil painting: Lemon Meringue Cheesecake – by K.Wynn-Moylan