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Nick earls is an Australian novel writer who has written over twenty books for both adults and children. He has won numerous awards internationally and nationally for his writing and two of his books ( 48 shades of brown and Perfect Skin )have been adapted into feature films, and five into stage plays. ‘Wisdom Tree; is actually a series of five novellas, subtly linked through the characters and events.
In this podcast-short extracts from Wisdom Tree’s five novellas are read by other noted authors:
- Gotham read by Liam Pieper ? Gotham introduces us to ‘nasty boy’ , the latest rapper sensation.
2.Venice read by Ashley Hay ? friends conspire to support another by the means of a casserole
- Vancouver by Matt condon ? a young boys recollections of his eccentric father and his involvement with a basket baller
- Juneau
5. Noho ? Yasmin Abdel ? Mageed