Episode twenty-one: Nick earls and Friends read from “Wisdom Tree’

‘Wisdom Tree’ is a series of 5 novellas entitled : Gotham, Venice, Vancouver, Juneau, Noho by prolific author Nick Earls.
The actual books are half size of a normal paperback and fit in your back pocket or purse for a quick read at any moment. The five stories are linked but in subtle ways so each novella stands on its own. Nick has asked several other author friends -Abdel Jasmin-Mageid, Matt Conlon, Liam Piper, Ashley Hay – to read from his works and he also reads himself. In the interview he explains a little about each novella and why he chose that particular author to read from it . No music track in this podcast.
Nick Earls,Abdel Jasmin-Mageid, Matt Conlon, Liam Piper, Ashley Hay were recorded at the Byron writers Festival 2016.

‘Eventual Poppy Day’ by Libby Hathorn, is based around letters a young man sent home from the warfront in WW1, and ‘A Soldier, a Dog and a Boy’ is a children’s picture book story about a young man adopting a homeless dog he befriended in the warzone. Both tales are based on true stories Libby read or researched from actual wartime reporting.

TM Clarke grew up in St Africa and is now an Australian citizen, and her story ‘Tears of the Cheetah, is an adult fictional novel, of the struggle to prevent the decimation of native species in africa , and of the violent conflicts that ensue when poachers see their livelihoods threatened.
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Edition twenty: Rachel Craw – ‘Spark’; Krissy Kneen –‘ An Uncertain Grace’; James Bradley ‘ Clade’
Three science fiction authors for this week. In ‘Spark’ Rachel Craw has a group of teenagers, fumbling with their own emerging feelings and identities caught up in a tale of genetic engineering and superheroes, James Bradley explains the title of his work ‘Clade’ and reads from the opening chapter when the hero has elected to go on a mission to Antarctica, while Krissy Kneen in ‘An Uncertain Grace’ really gets our heads turned around with the idea of observing the world through other people’s eyes- even their skin!

Music track ‘ Robotica’ by Michael Fairley from ‘Boy from Mars’
Rachel Craw was recorded at the Somerset Festival of Literature; Krissy Kneen and James Bradley were recorded at the Sydney writers Festival.
Episode nineteen:George Gittoes ‘Blood Mystic’ and Louise Doughty ‘Black Water’

Today our edition has a serious theme as two authors give us very different accounts of the horrors of war. Australian Artist George Gittoes has been present at so many wars I actually lost count and he corrected me when I was interviewing him. As a public speaker he is riveting His book ‘Blood Mystic’ is an account of just a few of the warzones he has witnessed and recorded, and of his life lived perpetually on the edge of danger. Louise Doughty’s book ‘ Blackwater’ is a novel, but it is based on extensive research she made into Jakarta’s dark history. There is strong language used in this edition and adult themes.
Music track:‘Things Fall Apart’ the General Assembly
George Gittoes was recorded at Sydney Writers Festival 2017, Louise Doughty was recorded at Byron writers Festival 2016.
Episode eighteen :Jesse Blackadder – 60 seconds’ and Ashley Hay ‘100 small lessons’.

Our two authors today have set their work in tropical areas, and it is this ‘sense of place’ that imbues their characters trajectory.
In Jesse Blackadder’s ‘ 60 Seconds’ – a move from Tasmania to the Northern rivers of NSW provides the backdrop to a family tragedy, while in Ashley Hay’s ‘ 100 small lessons’ the character of Lucy has moved from Sydney to Brisbane. Both these novels are about coping with loss and change.
Music tracks :‘Vulnerable –Angie Hudson; ‘When I get There’ – Lucie Thorne
Recorded at the Byron writers Festival 2017
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Romance fiction is a multimillion dollar industry in Australia and also has some of the highest paid and most popular authors in the country from the number of authors who have international publishing deals. So, have you got a heart tugger lurking in the bottom drawer? How would you go about getting it published? Is it bettert o self publish? what do reader’s think of the romance industry?
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‘Position doubtful’ is an old surveyors map term used for areas where it is almost impossible to get a landmark for bearing.
In her memoir , Kim Mahood uses this term to apply to her memories of the history of a homestead that used to belong to her family and her deep attachment to the land and its indigenous peoples that surround this place. Here she reads from her opening chapter and later in our interview explains what has drawn her to write of this geographical place that is located in her heart and of the charts she created to depict its story.
You’ve been listening to Kim Mahood discuss her book ‘Position Doubtful’ and our music track was “Periphery’ by the Belle Miners.
Sophie Green decided to set her fictional novel : THE INAUGURAL MEETING OF THE FAIRVALE LADIE’S BOOK CLUB’ in the outback because she too had fallen in love the land but her novel explores the lives of the women on several outback stations who form a book club as a way of getting to know each other- particularly the new girl, ??.. freshly married and arrived from England.
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Luc SAnte is an author and critic. He is frequent contributor to the New York Review of Books.
‘The Other Paris’ is actually a walk through the history of Paris from 200 hundred years ago to the 20 century
The Paris we know today was, in Napoleon’s time, a city surrounded by a slowly destroyed rural life, where the fringes of the cities inhabitants struggled to eke out a living beyond ‘The Wall’. I found it interesting to hear an account of the frenetic recycling that this produced, as every scrap of material and detritus was used to make a new product. Luc and I spoke about ‘The Other Paris first and then he read a whole chapter from it. I found the visions he evoked were mesmerising and so have allowed this to be one long read from a single author .
Original music score by Ken Naughton.
Songs ‘ Paris se regarde’ and ‘Paris’ by Bebe et Lulu
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