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‘Position doubtful’ is an old surveyors map term used for areas where it is almost impossible to get a landmark for bearing.
In her memoir , Kim Mahood uses this term to apply to her memories of the history of a homestead that used to belong to her family and her deep attachment to the land and its indigenous peoples that surround this place. Here she reads from her opening chapter and later in our interview explains what has drawn her to write of this geographical place that is located in her heart and of the charts she created to depict its story.
You’ve been listening to Kim Mahood discuss her book ‘Position Doubtful’ and our music track was “Periphery’ by the Belle Miners.
Sophie Green decided to set her fictional novel : THE INAUGURAL MEETING OF THE FAIRVALE LADIE’S BOOK CLUB’ in the outback because she too had fallen in love the land but her novel explores the lives of the women on several outback stations who form a book club as a way of getting to know each other- particularly the new girl, ??.. freshly married and arrived from England.