Still Travelling with Matt

To keep you going till I begin podcasting again here are two more interesting tales from Matt Towner’s collection of authors.

As always, if you want to buy the book just click on the cover image to go to Booktopia (Help keep this site going!)

Ian Harris from Crazy Sh.t in Asia and Veronica Farmer from ‘Abroad Broke and Busted


IAN HARRIS ‘ The Honorary Consul’

Ian awakes in the early hours of the morning to find the lounge room of his Bali home filled with Police officers? What do they want? and who sent them?



VERONICA FARMER “Veronica’s Story

Veronica sees Singapore through new eyes- eyes that have been tested by a life  trauma.


Interviews with both these authors will be posted later in the year.

SONYA VOUMARD – Skin in the Game

Author and journalist: Sonya Voumard

This week I had a wonderfully stimulating discussion with author Sonya Voumard about the role of journalism in today’s society. That interview will be podcast  later in the year but in the meantime here is Sonya reading from her memoir ‘Skin in the Game’  about her very early desire to be a journalist and how youthful exuberance as a young undergraduate led her into some painful humiliation when she interviewed her idol Helen Garner.

From ‘Bloodlines’


From ‘The Interview’

Memories of Sarajevo: Radio Zid

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Radio Zid was a community radio station that continued broadcasting throughout the Bosnian war. Its presenters were snipered, bombed, starved and dehydrated ( no water or  electricity for nearly 3 years) but they continued broadcasting. driven by the knowledge that the community needed them and they needed to tell the community and the world what was happening inside the town of Sarajevo.

The war in Sarajevo spawned a new term ‘culturcide’ – the destruction of a society and a  country through the mutilation of its culture. Radio Zid, was the resistance to this notion. Part One of three Parts.

Winner of the Bronze award from the New York Festival’s world’s Best Radio Programs.

Check out this episode!