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Alana Valentine is a  successful playwright and author. She used to present Radio National’s Books program. 

This read is from her highly practical book and memoir ‘Bowerbird’ that is full of great advice for anyone wanting to become a better writer whatever media they are applying themselves to.

Alana Valentine reads from ‘Bowerbird’

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After all that sterling advice on interviewing I felt slightly intimidated asking Alana questions! Hopefully, I had been ‘paying attention’!


Alana Valentine -Interview

Audio Player


This was recorded at the Bellingen Writers Festival 2019. More great authors posted every week!


The Narratives Team have been down to Bellingen Writers Festival and as always we had a wonderful time ( Thanks Seth and Jenny and all of the wonderful Festival crew of volunteers!)

Here’s the first of the brilliant authors we collected for the Library, later in the year we will be producing a a whole new series of Podcasts with these authors collected into themed broadcasts.

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Robyn Williams’ latest book is subtitled ‘ letters from the brink’ and he has a lot to get off his chest about the state of the world, even his own personal state as he gives us a blow by blow account of his treatment for bowel cancer. In this read he decries how the definition of ‘left wing’ has become a derogatory term, instead of merely reflecting the opposite view to conservative opinion.

I could have placed this read in ‘Science’ or ‘Philosophy’ but in the end placed it in ‘Memoir’ — as it contains so much of his views on  life.  It may be re-categorised later in the year!

Robyn Williams reads from ‘Turmoil’

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As always his interview is eloquent and erudite and we could have continued discussion much longer than time allowed!

Robyn Williams Interview

Audio Player

We’ve been to Bellingen!

The Bellingen writers Festival is small but perfectly formed. With ample panel sessions, workshops, poetry slams and the wonderfully decorated venues and streets a happy, literary vibe can be felt all through the town.

We have lots of great reads and interviews to edit and upload to this site over the next couple of weeks.

Stay tuned, share our posts , support all these wonderful authors and remember books are the freedom of ideas in your society.


Kerry O’Brien – with ‘Keating’ and ‘Kerry O’Brien’

Robin Williams – ‘Turmoil’

Morris Gleitzman – ‘Help Around the House’

Marcia Langton – ‘The Quiet Revolution’

Henry Reynolds – ‘A Forgotten War’

Fiona Patten – ‘Sex, Drugs and the Electoral Roll’

Caroline De Costa – ‘Bloodsisters’

Marty Branagan – ‘Locked On’

Mark Brandi – ‘The Rip’

Elias Grieg – ‘…. but the cover is Blue’

Alane Valentine – Bower Bird

Josh Pomare – ‘Call Me Evie

And we all ate far too many cakes!