A little known fact of the First world War was that hundreds of women volunteered in the Medical Corps – nurses, orderlies and even surgeons. Many of them were sent to the ancient city of Salonika which was almost totally destroyed and this book is based on records though fictionalized for narrative.
The Read
The Interview
Recorded at the Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2023
Three siblings navigate a touchy relationship between them , without understanding where and when the distance began. Can they come to terms with past issues and move forward as one family?
The Read
The Interview
Recorded at the Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2023
The Bloomsbury Set have been well documented but Sophie Cunningham found herself fascinated by the over arching influence of Leonard Wolff on literature and social mores. His ‘fever’ was sexual desire, and he felt himself overwhelmed by it.
The Read
The Interview
Recorded at Bellingen Writers and Readers Festival 2023
Josh mysteriously disappears while travelling and searching for him reveals more about the relationships between his friends as the mystery surrounding his disappearance deepens.
The Read
The Interview
Recorded at the Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2023
authors in their own words <meta name='ir-site-verification-token' value='1373807929' />