STUART COUPE – Shake some action

Stuart coupe – Shake Some Action

Decades of interviewing musicians, hanging back stage, being on the bus, sometimes the plane- Stuart Coupe has seen if not all, then a great deal of how the music industry works. Here he reflects on what led him down this path and what is has given him – and of course lots of anecdotes!

The Read

The Interview

Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2024


Alisa Bryce- Grounded: How the soil shapes the way we play, the lives we make and the graves we lie in

How often do we think deeply about the importance of soil? We just take it for granted – but it is the underpinning to everything we experience on this Earth. Alisa Bryce has made an in depth study of how dependent we are on this most commonplace of elements.

The Read

The Interview

Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2024

MAX BARRY – The 22 Murders of Madison May

MAX BARRY – The 22 Murders of Madison May

Can you kill the same person 22 times? Well you can if you can travel between parallell universes. Seeking the perfect version of a woman he believes he loves, a murderer believes he must eliminate ‘imperfect’ versions of Madison May. Who will stop him? In this read, Madison is a real estate agent who unwittingly has made an appointment with a ‘client’.

The Read

The Interview

Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2024

MISHA ZELINSKY – The sun will rise

Misha Zelinsky – The Sun will Rise

Misha Zelinsky spent two years in Ukraine at the out break of the war as war correspondent for the Financial Times. He chose a fiction novel form to best relate what he experienced there. This extract depicts a dramatic climax in the book.

The Read

The Interview

Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2024

TOBY WALSH – Faking It

Toby Walsh- Faking it: Artificial Intelligence in a human world

A.I has integrated into every part of our lives – almost before we were aware of it. What does the future hold for this technology? How can it help us, or hinder us? Toby Walsh is a world expert on A.I – this book is about keeping it real.

The Read

The Interview

Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2024


Everyone on this train is a suspect

Benjamin Stevenson writes very funny but totally serious take offs of the crime fiction genre. In this read, a crime writer is stuck on a train with five other crime writers, and one of them is murdered!

The Read

The Interview

Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2024


Tracey Spicer- Man Made: How the bias of the past is being built into the future.

So, have you even given thought to the fact that we have called our AI assistants ‘Alexa’ or ‘Siri’. When did servants go back to being soft voiced and female? Tracey Spicer tells us how AI is going to set back the role of women in the future unless we start to raise the consciousness of the designers of the internet!

The Read

The Interview

Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2024

J P POMARE -Seventeeen Years Later

J. P Pomare – Seventeen Years Later

Crime podcasters have become investigative journalists these days – and this novel is a fictional account of a podcaster who sets out to open a cold case. Has an innocent man spent seventeen years in prison for a crime he did not commit?

The Read

The Interview

Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2024


Bruce Pascoe – Black Duck

A year in the district that Bruce Pascoe has lived in for most of his life- Mallacoota in Victoria. Filled with Lakes, rivers and wetlands that support a huge range of wildlife- including seals, one of which Bruce encounters frequently in this read.

The Read and the Interview

Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2024