Category Archives: Childrens lit

PICTURE BOOKS FOR LITTLE ONES ( and great for parents too!)

This week I though I’d present four new picture books from the Narratives Library , together with very interesting interviews from the authors about their creation.

This is a book of wonderfully, rhythmic rhymes. Your toddler can do a nursery rap! Lovely illustrations by Pamela Allen.

Meredith Costain- Doodledum Dancing

Meredith Costain – Interview

Mark Greenwood – Our Country, Ancient Wonders

Mark Greenwood and Frane Lessac are a husband and wife book production team! Here is a book Mark has written on the wonderful archaeology of Australia with illustrations by Frane.

Frane Lessac- Australian Baby Animals

Originally from the USA, Frane is bowled over by how amazing the animal life is in Australia. You can hear her enthusiasm in the read and interview!

Frane Lessac- Interview

Mandy Foot – Joey and Riley

Mandy writes and illustrates her books and I have included an extra illustration image here as her read and interview are rolled into one.

Recorded at Storyfest 2022

LISA NICOL – The What on Earth institute of wonder

Lisa Nicol’s fun book for ages 6-12 ( or even a bit older) has lots to keep them giggling and also thinking about some bigger issues. I have been featuring Children’s and Young Adult books the last few weeks on my radio show Arts Canvass as I think everyone needs a few good books to keep the family together!

Lisa Nicol reads for Narratives.

Lisa Nicol Arts Canvass interview

And if you head over to the Young Reader’s page there is a BONUS read from Lisa from her book ‘ Vincent and the Grandest Hotel on Earth

This interview was aired September 2 ,2021 0n Byron Bay FM 99.9

Sue whiting -‘the book of chance’ & corinne fenton ‘to the bridge’

An historical picture book for little ones and a cautionary tale for older ones!

Click image to buy book at Booktopia

Chance is an ‘ almost’ teenager who sees issues very black and white. When she discovers something about her mother she never suspected she can’t keep picking away at the truth until her whole life unravels.

Here’s Sue Whiting to tell us why she likes writing about these sorts of teens and also a little bit from us at the end where we ask -how are you coping with launching a book during Covid-19?

Sue Whiting Interview -‘The Book of Chance’

Corrinne Fenton – ‘To the Bridge’

Click on image to buy book in Booktopia.

Well from angsty teens to little tots and a true story of a small boy, nine years old, who desired to see the Sydney Harbour Bridge when it was being constructed.

One problem, he lived over 600 miles away in Leongatha. No problem at all- he saddled up his faithful pony Ginger Mick and off we went.

This is a wonderful account here from the author on how she came upon this story and followed family connections up to see it finally in print.

Once again at the end we ask Corinne how Covid-19 had affected her new book and she has some very cheering things to say about how the publishing industry is coping.

Corinne Fenton – Interview

That’s all till next week. As always we are producing remotely so some audio quality issues have to be tolerated! We have some fabulous authors coming up over the next few weeks so please support them buy purchasing any books you like the sound of.

Two great books for the little kids in your life

One of the joys of having little people in your life is you get to read lovely big picture books to them.

Here are two new ones on very different themes that take quite sophisticated concepts and reduce them to simple ideas that little ones can relate to.

Augmented by charming illustrations they provide a little bit of pleasure at the end of the busy day – or in the present climate, they keep them occupied for just a little bit longer!

The Artist – Alison Binks

Click image to buy from Booktopia

‘The Artist’ is about a small boy filling his days by observing and recording what he sees about him with his box of paints. He also sails, plays with his dog, and plays piano. Alison Binks wrote and illustrated the book.

Author/illustrator Alison Binks

Alison Binks Interview

Alison Binks reads ‘The Artist’

Who’s Your Real Mum? – Bernadette Green and Anna Zoble

Click image to buy in Booktopia

Nicholas is confused- he wants to know why Elvi seems to have two Mums – which one is her ‘real’ Mum? Elvi strings him along for a bit with silly answers, but she isn’t avoiding the issue, she just doesn’t think it matters! Anna Zobel illustrated this gentle book on the art of gender non-discrimination.

Author Bernadette Green

Bernadette Green Interview

The Narratives Library has invited all authors with new books to launch who have missed out on openings, festivals and book club nights and other promotions that involve gatherings to ring up for an interview and will be featuring them in posts and Podcasts over the next few months.

Remember- all our book images take you to Booktopia, an all Australian company where you can purchase books at great prices. Now more than ever , authors need your support!

Next week : Lauren Chater with ‘Gulliver’s Wife’

BRUCE PASCOE – Young Dark emu

Welcome to Narratives Library 2020!

We’re back from the holiday break and ready to bring you lots more author’s reads and interviews throughout the coming year.

If you are an author and receiving this and have a new book coming out this year, remember to let us know!

Publishers, make sure we know which Writer’s Festivals and events your authors will be attending this year. We will try and attend as many as we can.

And readers, tell your friends and subscribe- it’s free, private, and an exclusive way to hear up and coming and established writers from Australia and around the globe.

In 2019, the Narratives Library website had more than one million hits! Thank you for sharing! This site is all about the importance of the written word and the value of ideas- whether fiction or non-fiction, for all ages.

To start the year off- here is Bruce Pascoe reading and talking about his children’s book – ‘Young Dark Emu’ – which is a smaller version of his previously published work ‘Dark Emu‘ .

Bruce Pascoe reading from ‘Young Dark Emu’

To buy this book, click on the image -Booktopia.
Bruce Pascoe reading from his book ‘Young Dark emu’

If soundfile NOT displayed, click on link at the bottom of the page.

Bruce Pascoe Interview

If sound file NOT displayed, click on link at the bottom of this page.

Remember that all the images on our posts and site connect you to Booktopia .If you like the sound of a book go over and buy a copy to support books and writers.

Stay tuned for more posts , and don’t forget, you can always drop us a line at narrativeslibrary @gmail – we’d love to hear from you!

Recorded at Byron Writers Festival 2019

New Authors added this month!

This month Narratives has been recording at Somerset Storyfest in Queensland and will be adding some fantastic new authors in the Young Adult, Young Readers and Children’s picture book sections.

First up this week we have added Felice Arena with his ripping World War 2 boys own adventure story ‘ The Boy and the Spy’.


Interview with Felice Arena

Audio Player


And for the littler kids, here is a new picture book from the fabulous Graeme Base‘Jungle Drums’. Graeme read the whole book in our Children’s Books category and here is the interview . And for the fans, Graeme doesn’t think there will be too many more books coming as after about 30 books  he thinks he should stop ‘colouring in’ as he terms it!


Interview with Graeme Base

Audio Player


Coming up in the next few weeks we have:

Jane Caro with ‘Just Flesh and Blood

Zanni Louise with ‘Archie and the Bear

Nikki McWatters  with her latest work ‘ Liberty

Jodi McAlister with ‘Valentine

Wai Chim with ‘Freedom Swimmer’ the true story of her father’s escape from China by swimming to Hong Kong;

Violet Grace with the third instalment in the Chess Raven series ‘ The Girl who Fell’ 

and Peter Wargent gives us 20 tips for making your  children money wise with ‘Wealth Ways for the Young’.


So stay tuned and don’t forget clicking on  all our book covers take you to Booktopia if you want to hear more of the  story!

This site is brought to you by artist Karena Wynn-Moylan

This site is wholly designed and maintained by Fine Artist Karena Wynn-Moylan. View more of her paintings by clicking on the image here. Paintings, books, prints for sale and commissions accepted through her website . (Image shown: 'My sky filled up with colours when my feet followed the light' - Oil on Linen - 100 cms X 60 cms POA)


LIAN TANNER -Accidental Heroes


One for the rainy school holidays!

Lian Tanner reads with such gusto you know how much she loves writing these books for younger readers. There still some school holidays left so  maybe this one will keep them amused for a few days! A young readers Fantasy novel of some ordinary and unlikely heroes.


Lian Tanner reads from ‘Accidental Heroes’

Audio Player



Lian Tanner Interview

Audio Player

Recorded at the Byron Writers Festival 2018

Authors from the Somerset Literature Festival

On Friday  March 26th  Narratives attended the Somerset Literature Festival which is held in Queensland every year at Somerset College.

They had a fantastic lineup of authors and illustrators of children’s and Young Adult fiction.

We recorded the following authors reading from their books and their reads will be all online by next week. Interviews and reads will appear throughout the year on the Narratives Podcasts page.

Will Kostakis ‘ The Sidekicks’

Tim Harris ‘ Mr. Bambuckles Remarkables Fight Back’

Rebecca Johnson -‘Vet Cadets- Welcome to Willow vale’

James Roy & Noel Zihabamwe ‘One Thousand hills’

Katie O’Donnell – ‘Untidy Towns’

Jessica Watson – Indigo Blue’

Gabrielle Williams – My Life as a Hashtag’

Claire Christian  – ‘Beautiful Mess’

Chrissie Perry ‘ Penelope Perfect – Project Best Friend’

Sha’an d’Anthes-‘ Zoom’

There were some amazing topics covered from coming out gay to cyber bullying, to escaping Rwanda during the massacres. I will post as these all go up and encourage you to check them out whether for yourself or someone you know.

Claire Christian with her novel 'Beautiful Mess'

Children’s Lit for all ages!

Episode fourteen:Peter Helliar – ‘Frankie Fish and the Sonic Suitcase’; Luke Proudfoot – ‘Shaka, Shaka Hawaii’ ; Damien Prossner – ‘Helix and the Arrival’



Some kids just love to read and can be found  with their nose in a book or glued to a screen e-reading any time of the day, but for some the magic of entering those other  imaginary worlds eludes them. Reading is an important skill and some parents despair that their children just don’t seem interested but maybe  they just haven’t found that one book that is the key . Our three authors today all write for that tricky  age of ‘7-12 years – Damien Posner – in ‘Helix and the Arrival’ goes back in time , way back , to prove that pre-historic families were just as exasperating  for a teenager as present day. While Luke Proudfoot on ‘Shaka, Shaka Hawaii’ has three friends who love to surf and play music in their band  and well known comedian Peter Helliar thinks kids are a tough crowd, but once you have won them over, they become faithful fans so his much demanded  follow up books to’ Frankie Fish  and the Sonic Suitcase’ are already available.

Featured music track :’Endless Summer’ by Laura Hill

Peter Helliar recorded at Byron writers Festival 2017; Luke Proudfoot and Damien Prosner recorded at Somerset festival of Youth Literature 2017.

This week on Narratives National – Richard Roxburgh and Tristan Bancks

Something for all you big ( and little ) kids out there…..


Richard Roxburgh reads from  ‘Artie and the Grime Wave’


Tristan Bancks reads from  ‘My Life and other stuff I made up  ‘

Two actors write funny books for kids and act out all the parts in their read!

You can hear this podcast here!


Narratives National Edition will be broadcast on Bay FM  99.9 on Wednesdays at 11am-12pm with Michael Schubert of Soundminds from November..

Already every week  heard  on the Community Radio Network on Mondays at 7 pm and Thursdays at 10pm.

Also available on the Narratives Library website ( works on desktop, mobile and tablet)

And coming along … the GOOGLE App so you can listen to entertaining stories and interviews from authors wherever you are and whatever you listen on.

(Well you can already but somehow those little apps just make it easier!)

We are getting great coverage and  downloads- know anyone who would like to be part of this as a sponsor? Contact us at :