Why is it most women fear ageing , and is it the same for men? If not, why not? How can we come to terms with society’s judgements and remain confident no matter what our age? Jacinta Parsons comes to grips with all these knotty questions.
A stunning novel based on true experiences of just how the justice system is prejudiced against women in sexual assault cases. Written by an ex barrister who now finds a book can change more than a court case. This novel started out as a hugely successful play in the West end in London.
Tracey Spicer- Man Made: How the bias of the past is being built into the future.
So, have you even given thought to the fact that we have called our AI assistants ‘Alexa’ or ‘Siri’. When did servants go back to being soft voiced and female? Tracey Spicer tells us how AI is going to set back the role of women in the future unless we start to raise the consciousness of the designers of the internet!
The Read
The Interview
Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2024
With so many issues in the world today it is easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless – but Natalie Isaacs believes you can be a force for radical change but first you have to believe it is possible – in short, you have to have positive optimism!
Natalie Isaacs – The Read
Natalie Isaacs – The Interview
Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2023
International Women’s Day has just passed and it occurs to me that all women who are mothers or not possess Superpowers! This fun account of women who suddenly gain a portal to a parallel world – in the backyard, that grants wishes – need I go on! Needless to say, with Superpower comes Super Responsibility!
Wendy McCarthy is a leading light in feminism and politics in Australia. In this read she outlines the struggles to gain equality for women in the past and in the interview she hopes for more consolidation in the future.
Wendy McCarthy – The Read
Wendy McCarthy – The Interview
Recorded at Byron Writers Festival 2022
authors in their own words <meta name='ir-site-verification-token' value='1373807929' />