It’s time we all started eating more delicious bush foods. How do we cook them, what do we use them in? Mindy Woods, a top Indigenous chef, tells you how in a beautifully photographed book.
Paramedics are called to rush to a sports field. But what happened at this suburban soccer game? Karen Viggers has written a novel about an increasing incident problem in children’s sport – parents who can’t keep themselves from defending their own child’s game.
Come sink down and down into the deepest part of the ocean with James Bradley as he reveals myriad wonders but also reminds us that we are destroying extraordinary lives before we have even had a chance to understand and value them.
Maggie Walters has Multiple Personality Disorder and lives with the presence of many different voices in her head. What caused this and how does she cope and lead a relatively normal life? A fascinating life story.
There are four books in this imaginative adventure that follow the protagonist Chance as he tries to unravel the mysteries surrounding the legendary D’Angels.
Why is it most women fear ageing , and is it the same for men? If not, why not? How can we come to terms with society’s judgements and remain confident no matter what our age? Jacinta Parsons comes to grips with all these knotty questions.
Clelia started her lifelong devotion to music at the tender age of 16 and a half when she ran away from home and fell into a job at the the most happening music publication in the nation – ‘Go Set’ in 1967. Suddenly handling responsibility for major artists she got a good grounding in the industry for when she herself became a recording star. In this segment, she meets Robert Plant from Led Zeppelin in his notorious youth. She has had an amazing life.
Imagine someone obsessed with you , stalking you through time to find your most perfect version of yourself! Sounds creepy enough, but then the stalker kills off the versions of you he doesn’t like! How does Max Barry make this crime science fiction novel funny? Read it and find out!
Molly Thistle is a transported convict, fending for herself in a strange landscape while her husband is away at work. In addition to the other gangs of ungoverned men roaming in the bush, there are also the mysterious natives, attracted to their farmed grain.
Locked up in the lock down Kate Ceberano turned to exploring her creativity – writing poems, songs, painting and crafting to pass the time away. She started sharing these on social media and the response encouraged her to publish a collection of these in a lovely book called ‘Unsung’.
The Read
The Interview
Recorded at the Byron Writers Festival 2024
authors in their own words <meta name='ir-site-verification-token' value='1373807929' />