Category Archives: New readings uploaded!


Great Crime fiction for rainy days on the couch!

The many years Katherine Firkin reported on crime and court reporting left her with the overwhelming impression of just how easily things can go wrong in people’s lives and she brings all these sub texts and subtleties into this gripping novel about a series of murders of young women.

Author Katherine Firkin

Interview and read with Katherine Firkin

This week I have included the interview and the read by Katherine and of course the interview was conducted by phone in this time of iso.

First broadcast on Arts Canvass Bay FM 99.9 2020.


Jo Lennan has written a delicious collection of haunting tales with a theme of ‘foxes’. Sometimes they are real foxes, sometimes metaphorical even mystical – but this is great book to take to bed so you get the satisfaction of a conclusion before sleeping!

Jo Lennan Interview

Recorded by phone for May 2020.

Broadcast on Arts Canvass Bay FM 99.9


Click cover image to buy book

‘Sweetness and Light’ takes us into the back story of the two main characters at the start, so of course we are primed to watch what happens when they meet. Each is broken in their own way – physically, and emotionally, and Liam throws them into the disorientating setting of an ashram hidden deep in a forest in India and throws in a drug deal gone awry to thicken the plot.

Liam Pieper Interview

To hear Liam read from ‘Sweetness and Light’ go to the Narratives Library here. (Please scroll down page to ‘P’)

nichola hamilton – living with crohn’s disease

Click cover image to buy book

Nichola Hamilton has lived with this terrible disorder for most of her life. She has had countless surgical  procedures and swallowed probably truckloads of different drugs to help her live a relatively normal life. Through all this she has remained cheerful ( most days) and determined that she will not be limited or defined by this disease.  Through many health obstacles she has written an handbook for those who have been diagnosed or are living with Crohn’s, and for those who live with them. It sets out the options for treatment, ways of coping and just simple encouragement that there is life possible even after radical surgery.

Nichola Hamilton Interview

Click image to buy book

lauren chater – gulliver’s wife

Click image to buy book from Booktopia.

‘Gulliver’s Wife’ by Lauren Chater

A beautifully written novel that is based on one single imaginary starting point- what was life like for the the wife of the eponymous hero of Swift’s ‘Gulliver’s Travels’? Although Gulliver was fictional, Lauren Chater’s book is firmly grounded in her research of the reality of day today existence for women in this period- and particularly the extraordinary niche occupied by midwives.

Lauren Chater Interview

Author Lauren Chater

Lauren Chater is in the Narratives Library. To hear her read from the book click here. (Scroll down to ‘C’ on the page)

Next week , a truly inspiring story and really useful reference book – Nichola Hamilton’s ‘Living with Crohn’s Disease’

L.A Larkin – prey

Click image to buy book from Booktopia

Born in the UK but now a full time resident of Australia, Thriller writer L. A Larkin writes fast paced, action novels with an environmental theme. Her previous three novels – The Genesis Flaw, Thirst, and Devour  all examined the ways in which money and technology and criminal activity are impacting on the environment- her fourth latest book ‘Prey’ takes her heroine Olivia Wolfe, to South Africa where she digs down deep into the illegal rhino horn  trade.But  first we are going to hear Louisa herself reading from ‘Prey’

L.A Larkin reads from her latest novel ‘Prey’

Author L.A Larkin

Read &Interview on ‘Prey’ with L.A Larkin

Click to buy book from Amazon

ronnie scott- the adversary

Buy this book – click on cover image

Ronnie Scott’s novel take us into one dreamy hot summer in the life of his young, student protagonist.

Sharing a house in the inner city in Melbourne with much older and more sophisticated gay friends, he agonises over social situations and his inability to fashion any sort of social life for himself. You want to tell him, he’ll be fine- just give it some time!

Ronnie Scott Interview

Author: Ronnie Scott

Next week…

We go deep into South Africa on the trail of rhino poachers with L.A Larkin’s latest Olivia Wolfe crime thriller ‘Prey’!

katherine kovacic- ‘The Shifting landscape’

Art ,crime, history and a little flirting!

To buy t his book, click on image to go to Booktopia.

Katherine Kovacic writes crime thrillers centred around the art world.

 The Shifting Landscape is the third in a series of following the adventures of art Appraiser Alex Clayton, the first two books being- The Portrait of Molly Dean and Painting in the Shadows.

With her faithful Irish wolfhound Hogarth always at her side friend,  Alex finds herself called to appraise an  historic  art collection  in a country landscape  drenched in money and a bloody Indigenous  past.   When the family patriarch is murdered on the eve of announcing the succession plans, a valuable painting mysteriously vanishes and Alex is caught up in chasing it down.

Author Katherine Kovacic

Katherine Kovacic Interview

Katherine reads from ‘The Shifting Landscape’ in the Narratives Library under ‘Crime’.

Once Bitten – Twice Shy

John Barrie Button – The Man Who Died Twice.

Something a little different in this post, John hasn’t written the book yet ( he says there will be about 5 volumes!) but this is an  inspiring interview with permaculture legend John Barrie Button about what it feels like to be bitten by one of the most venomous snakes in the world- An Australian Tiger Snake. And then 25 years later , survive  complete liver failure!

Click on the image  link above or the one  below to hear this episode on the Libsyn site

Check out this episode!

Sue whiting -‘the book of chance’ & corinne fenton ‘to the bridge’

An historical picture book for little ones and a cautionary tale for older ones!

Click image to buy book at Booktopia

Chance is an ‘ almost’ teenager who sees issues very black and white. When she discovers something about her mother she never suspected she can’t keep picking away at the truth until her whole life unravels.

Here’s Sue Whiting to tell us why she likes writing about these sorts of teens and also a little bit from us at the end where we ask -how are you coping with launching a book during Covid-19?

Sue Whiting Interview -‘The Book of Chance’

Corrinne Fenton – ‘To the Bridge’

Click on image to buy book in Booktopia.

Well from angsty teens to little tots and a true story of a small boy, nine years old, who desired to see the Sydney Harbour Bridge when it was being constructed.

One problem, he lived over 600 miles away in Leongatha. No problem at all- he saddled up his faithful pony Ginger Mick and off we went.

This is a wonderful account here from the author on how she came upon this story and followed family connections up to see it finally in print.

Once again at the end we ask Corinne how Covid-19 had affected her new book and she has some very cheering things to say about how the publishing industry is coping.

Corinne Fenton – Interview

That’s all till next week. As always we are producing remotely so some audio quality issues have to be tolerated! We have some fabulous authors coming up over the next few weeks so please support them buy purchasing any books you like the sound of.