Category Archives: New readings uploaded!

BRUCE PASCOE – Young Dark emu

Welcome to Narratives Library 2020!

We’re back from the holiday break and ready to bring you lots more author’s reads and interviews throughout the coming year.

If you are an author and receiving this and have a new book coming out this year, remember to let us know!

Publishers, make sure we know which Writer’s Festivals and events your authors will be attending this year. We will try and attend as many as we can.

And readers, tell your friends and subscribe- it’s free, private, and an exclusive way to hear up and coming and established writers from Australia and around the globe.

In 2019, the Narratives Library website had more than one million hits! Thank you for sharing! This site is all about the importance of the written word and the value of ideas- whether fiction or non-fiction, for all ages.

To start the year off- here is Bruce Pascoe reading and talking about his children’s book – ‘Young Dark Emu’ – which is a smaller version of his previously published work ‘Dark Emu‘ .

Bruce Pascoe reading from ‘Young Dark Emu’

To buy this book, click on the image -Booktopia.
Bruce Pascoe reading from his book ‘Young Dark emu’

If soundfile NOT displayed, click on link at the bottom of the page.

Bruce Pascoe Interview

If sound file NOT displayed, click on link at the bottom of this page.

Remember that all the images on our posts and site connect you to Booktopia .If you like the sound of a book go over and buy a copy to support books and writers.

Stay tuned for more posts , and don’t forget, you can always drop us a line at narrativeslibrary @gmail – we’d love to hear from you!

Recorded at Byron Writers Festival 2019

Seasonal Literary Greetings!

A big thank you to all the authors who participated this year in the Narratives Library recordings. We are well on our way to having the largest archive of author’s voices reading their own words in the world!

This year we recorded over One Million Hits on the website( and we don’t even advertise!)

Speaking of advertising, we are partnered with Australian online book store Booktopia, and all of our book images and author images will take you to their book store for great discounts.

So just because you may need some more books after Christmas , here is a link to their big Boxing Day Sale!

Please buy a book through this link – ( I think we get about 20 cents, but every bit helps!

Click on image to go to Booktopia

We will resume posting after New Year but in the meantime our whole library of reading snippets and interviews is on the website to peruse.

We welcome feedback and suggestions and we will be endeavouring to get to new festivals and events in 2020.

Happy Holidays!

L.A Larkin author and Karena Wynn-Moylan founder of the Narratives Library

Posting this special pic of myself and author L.A Larkin who has a new book coming next year based on her research in the Northern Arctic. Her famous literary dog Pickles is very unwell this Christmas and we wish him a speedy recovery!

MARELE DAY – ‘Lambs of god’

Click image to buy from Booktopia

Some people have read the book but haven’t seen the award winning TV series, some , for some the film was their first exposure to this wonderful story .

Whichever camp you fall into, a copy of the book is a must ( followed up by viewing the filmed version!)

Three nuns of a fading order continue living on a remote island in perfect harmony amid ruins and sheep, then one day a priest arrives with big plans in his pocket for their little earthly paradise.

Marele Day reads from ‘Lambs of God’

Marele Day Interview

Recorded at Byron writers Festival 2019



Click on image to buy book at Booktopia

This is a book you dip into for ideas, inspiration , comfort and encouragement. Victoria brings all her considerable talents and experience to bear in the photography and design of this book which makes it a pleasure to look at- there is nothing harsh or confronting in these philosophical tidbits, and it is a lovely book to gift to someone who may need some guidance to change in their life.

Click on image to buy book at Booktopia

Vicoria Alexander reads from ‘One’

If soundfile not displaying , click to follow to website page.

Victoria Alexander interview

If soundfile not displaying , click to follow to website page.

Recorded on Arts Canvass Bay FM 99.9 2019

Lisa-ann Gershwin -‘Stung’

Click image to buy book in Booktopia

‘Stung’ – Lisa-ann Gershwin

First, find your jellyfish. Then read this book to find out just how fascinating and extraordinary these little noticed denizens of the ocean are. Most of us avoid jellyfish fearing stings or worse but Lisa-ann explains that jelly fish are an integral part of the healthy ocean environment, But an overabundance of jelly fish means that the balance has been disturbed and this is also becoming apparent now that ocean scientists have come to understand more about these slippery , slimy ocean animals.

Lisa-ann Gershwin reads from ‘Stung’

Lisa-Ann Gershwin interview

Recorded at Byron Writers Festival 2019

MARCUS ZUSAK – Bridge of Clay

To buy this book, click on image

Markus Zusak – Bridge of Clay

Markus Zusak made a huge stir with his novel ‘The Book Thief’ which was made into a beautiful film. This new novel is a complete contrast in setting as the protagonist is a boy from a large family that through various misfortunes have lost their parents. Clay is the brother that helps them find their way through the stories he spins.

Markus Zusak reads from ‘Bridge of Clay’

Markus Zusak interview

Recorded at Byron Writers Festival 2019

STEPHEN J.PYNE -Burning Bush’

Burning Bush – A Fire History of Australia

Click image to buy book from Booktopia

As what seems like nearly half of Australia is burning, I thought listeners might like to hear from one of the foremost experts on the history of fires in Australia – Stephen J .Pyne.

An acknowledged world authority, he tells us why we are doing it all wrong in this country- and what true ‘fire management’ actually entails. A thoroughly researched and in depth look at how fire has shaped the Australian landscape- and why we are suffering devastating blazes, and a warning of many more to come in the future.

Stephen J. Pyne reads from ‘Burning Bush’

The read

Click on image to buy book

Interview with Stephen J. Pyne

The Interview

Recorded at Bellingen writers Festival 2019

INEZ BARANAY – ‘Turn Left at Venus’

Click on image to buy book at Booktopia

Inez Baranay reads from ‘Turn Left at Venus’

In this beautiful, poetic novel. Inez Baranay weaves between several different worlds- the world of two little girls who are lifelong friends, the novel one of them becomes famous for, and even the fans of the novel itself. The novel inside the narrative explores the concept of a different way of death, as the two women move through their lives and grow old.

Inez Baranay – Interview

Recorded at Studio 3 Bangalow.

HUNG LEE – The Crappiest Refugee

HUNG LEE – The Crappiest Refugee


click images  to buy book from Booktopia

Hung Lee could make comedy out of anything life throws at him – as he points out, in many cultures it is a survival mechanism!

So it’s not surprising he has written several books and numerous comedy routines out of his life experience as a boy growing up in war torn Vietnam, escaping at the last minute into a life of being a refugee in Australia.

As a schoolboy he discovered making people laugh was a good defence against bullies and he’s been dong it ever since.

Hung Le reads from ‘The Crappiest Refugee’



Interview with author Hung Le

Recorded at Byron writers Festival 2019





ASH GRUNWALD -Surf by Day, Jam by Night

Ash Grunwald:  ‘Surf by Day, Jam by Night ‘

click to buy from Booktopia

This a great collection of inspiration for anyone struggling to be the best they can be- Ash interviewed all the people  he admired who were ‘double trouble’ – being both crack surfers and terrific  musicians. ( Like himself!)  In the process he found he found renewed energy and application in his own work  – we can all do with this!


Ash Grunwald reads from ‘Surf by Day, Jam by Night’



Ash Grunwald Interview


Recorded at Byron Writers Festival 2019