Category Archives: New readings uploaded!

Romance with a Message – Di Morrissey and Joanna Nell

Two novelists who write lighter fiction but with deeper messages this week


What starts out as a seemingly simple story of two women friends, Stella and Jessica,  returning  to Stella’s family home in  Tasmania, becomes a more complex ecological lesson in the importance of forests and fungi!

Di Morrissey reads from ‘Arcadia’


Di Morrissey

Di Morrissey interview



JOANNA NELL -‘The Single Ladies of Jacaranda Retirement Village’


Just because you are in a retirement home doesn’t mean you’ve lost interest – in anything!

Joanna Nell reads from ‘The Single Ladies….’


Joanna Nell

Joanna Nell Interview


Enjoyable , light reading for hot weather to come!


All images link to Booktopia. Click and buy!

Recorded at the Byron Writers Festival 2019


HARRY SADDLER – ‘The Eastern Curlew’

HARRY SADDLER – ‘The Eastern Curlew – the Extraordinary Life of a Migratory Bird’

Many of us as we walk along the beach may see birds fossicking in the sand or mud and not realise that they may have come an enormous distance to land on these shores and feed. Just how far and how long it takes them  is the subject of this beautifully written account, in which the author reflects on the ever diminishing populations of waterbirds and migrating birds and how we are impacting upon them.

Harry Saddler reads from ‘The Eastern Curlew…’


Harry Saddler Interview


Recorded at the Byron Writers Festival 2019


This week  I bring you two authors who  have written both fiction and non fiction about the role of women in modern society.


Tishani Doshi’s novel, ‘Small Days and Nights‘  has a female protagonist returning home to find a major secret in her family life- a responsibility  which she is now expected to shoulder.


Tishani Doshi reads from ‘Small Days and Nights’


Tishani Doshi interview





Megan K. Stack is the author of Every Man in This Village Is a Liar, which was a finalist for America’s 2010 National Book Award and an Australian bestseller. She reported on war for the Los Angeles Times from 22 countries, and was most recently Moscow bureau chief. When she took time out to have children she discovered a whole new area of conflict – what we term :  Women’s Work

Megan Stack reads from ‘Women’s Work’


Megan Stack Interview


So many more authors over the coming months  for you to catch up on so keep subscribing and share these posts as well! Later  in the year, more of our popular half hour Podcasts series coming up!

Note: Click on images to buy the book at Booktopia!

Recorded at the Byron Writers Festival 2019



Fiona Patten and BENJAMIN LAW

Two great memoir  reads to do with sex and identity this week- Fiona Patten and Benjamin Law. Fiona’s book is her own story while Benjamin Law tells his story of growing up queer in Queensland  in a collection of other gay memoirs.



Your maiden speech in Parliament is a big deal. It is your one chance to ‘nail your colours to the wall’, and indicate where you stand on important issues. Fiona Patten decided to get in first on the matter of her colourful past history and delivered one to remember.

Fiona Patten reads from ‘Sex, Drugs and  he Electoral Roll’



Fiona Patten interview


Recorded at Bellingen Writers Festival 2019


Well that’s the hetero side of it- now over to Benjamin Law….


Benjamin Law- Growing up Queer in Australia


Benjamin Law recounts his rocky adolescence- if  you are gay and Asian in Queensland, where are your role models? How can he get the right hair? Get rid of acne? Tell your parents?

Benjamin Law reads from ‘Growing up Queer in Australia’


Benjamin Law Interview


Recorded at Byron Writers Festival 2019

Lots more authors and interviews to come.

There are over 230 authors on the Narratives site and we are continuing to add more!The world’s largest collection of authors reading from their own works!

Matthew Evans – On Eating Meat

Matthew Evans – On Eating Meat

Confused about diet, ethical consumption , sustainable agriculture?

Wonder why everyone is going vegan?  What if you like eating meat but also want to repair the planet?

Listen to Matthew Evans delve into the complexities of consumption, the ethics of agriculture and the need for a rethink about our  relationship to  food animals and vegetable production.

Matthew Evans reads from -‘On Eating Meat’


Matthew Evans interview

Recorded at the Byron writers Festival 2019


coming next week:

David Leser ‘ Women, Men and the Whole Damn Thing’

Melissa Lucashenko- TOO MUCH LIP


Melissa Lucashenko for winning the Miles Franklin Award for 2019 with ‘Too Much Lip’.

BY an amazing coincidence we just happen to have Melissa reading from her novel and an interview in which she modestly declares she didn’t expect ‘Too Much Lip’ to be  noticed in literary awards as it was too full on!

Melissa Lucashenko

Too Much Lip – extract read by Melissa Lucashenko


Interview with Melissa Lucashenko by Narratives Library


Recorded at the Byron writers Festival 2018

Coming soon:

In the next few weeks I will be uploading reads and posting interviews from the following authors:

Matthew Evans -On Eating Meat

David Leser – Women, Men and the Whole damn Thing

Marele Day – Lambs of God

Ash Grunwald -Surf by Day, Jam by Night

Lisa-Ann Gershwin – Stung

Matt Condon – The Night Dragon

Hung Le – The Crappiest Refugee

Barabra Toner – Four Respectable Ladies

Bruce Pascoe – Young Dark Emu

Tishani doshi – Small Days and Nights

Tracy Stanley – Over Byron Bay

Joanna Nell – The Single Ladies of the Jacaranda Retirement Village

Matt Condon – Knight Dragon

Isobelle Carmody – Alyzon Whitestarr

Antony Funnell – So Far, so Good

Damon Gameau – 2040

Marcus Zusak – Bridge of Clay

Tony Flowers – How to Stop an Alien Invasion

Megan Stack – Women’s Work

Stephen Pyne- Burning Bush

Benjamin Law- Growing up Queer in Australia

Harry Saddler- The  Eastern Curlew  the -Extraordinary Life of the Migrating Bird

Di Morrissey – Arcadia

Recorded at Byron writers Festival 2019

and please note: Currently our book cover images  will not take you to Booktopia when clicked on- this is due to administrative changes at Booktopia. We will be working to fix this in the next few weeks.







ELIAS GREIG -I Can’t Remember the Title but the cover is Blue

ELIAS GREIG -I Can’t Remember the Title but the cover is Blue

Click on cover to buy book

The problem with this book is reading it in  public- you just can’t help laughing and stifling incredulous  gasps as Elias details in dead pan prose his  experiences  everyday in a suburban bookshop.

Counterpointed with  succinct little illustrations by Phillip Marsden  , Elias firmly nails all the idiosyncratic, poignant and just plain loopy denizens who cross the doorway in search of  that  one special book.

If you are a subscriber to Bay FM you can go in a draw to win an autographed copy of this book  this  Thursday July 25th around 10.15am. Listen online or tune in on 99.9.

Elias Greig read


Elias Greig Interview



Recorded at Bellingen Writers Festival 2019


Marcia Langton – The Quiet Revolution

Marcia Langton – The Quiet Revolution


Taken from Professor Marcia Langton’s 2012 Boyer  lecture, this extract  begins to detail the creation of millions of hectares of  indigenous managed reserves and the flow on effect into the life of aboriginal culture.

Restoring the land also restores health and self respect and provides community cohesion and purpose.


The Quiet Revolution  



Marcia Langton – Interview

Recorded at Bellingen Writers Festival 2019





Click image to buy book

This is an extraordinary in-depth look at one of Australia’s most important policy shapers. Keating was not served well by some sections of the media which tended to portray him as elitist with arcane interest in antiques- this portrait shows the depth of his understanding of the workings of the national economy and how that leads to social cohesiveness, and the lasting legacy of his economic reforms. Written by Kerry O’Brien, who had unlimited and intimate access over a period of some time.

Kerry O’Brien reads from ‘Keating’



Kerry O’Brien Interview



Recorded at Bellingen Writers Festival 2019



Click book to buy in Booktopia

And what a memoir it is! When you have lived the sort of life that Kerry  O’Brien has, close up to the action politically and culturally for over three decades, you have a lot of memories to impart.

Kerry O’Brien is a media giant, and these days, tied to no one station or restriction  he has been letting us know where he thinks Australia is headed – and why we should be doing a u-turn.

He also believes that the Labour  government headed by Bob Hawke and Paul Keating had a true vision for this country and the foundation they laid down in the 80’s has protected us from the worst  of global downturns and led to a more egalitarian society – this is about to change however unless we start to demand proper government.

In this read and interview, Kerry talks about the privilege of getting up close and personal with leading lights of the creative industries. I got the distinct feeling he considered them a welcome relief from the endless parade of politicians dodging the issue!

Kerry O’Brien reads from ‘Kerry O’Brien – A Memoir’



Kerry O’Brien – Interview


Next week I will post Kerry O’Brien’s biography on  Paul Keating. An in depth examination of an extraordinary politician who has had a profound influence on our lives.

Recorded at Bellingen Writers Festival 2019