Danielle Clode has been hanging about with koalas for some years and what she has discovered about them greatly enlarges our knowledge of how best to help keep our koala populations flourishing. This book is scientific and poetic.
Danielle Clode – The read
Danielle Clode – The Interview
Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2023
Kim Mahood has spent her life ‘wandering’ as she terms it across into lands many of us never get to visit. There she listens to its First inhabitants and watches the land and it’s changes. The result is a beautiful meditation on the vastness of the Australian landscape and the depth of knowledge amongst First Nations peoples.
Kim Mahood – The Read
Kim Mahood – The Interview
Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2023
This is a short story from the collection ‘Green Monkey Dreams’. Isobelle Carmody has a fine grasp on where the fantastic and the macabre meet with the mystical.
Isobelle Carmody – The Read
Isobelle Carmody – The Interview
Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2023
A wonderful follow on from Pip’s international best seller The Dictionaryof Lost words, this takes us into the lives of the workers who toiled to hand make every publication – folding, stitching, gluing and embossing, an enormous task.
Pip Williams – The Read
Pip Williams – The Interview
Recorded at the Bellingen Reader’s and Writers Festival 2023
How did the wallaby cross the road ? And why did it need to? If you can answer that question as a wildlife researcher you can begin to understand the complexity of wildlife corridors and how we have disrupted them with our highways, and motorways. We have interrupted their journeys and they pay a heavy price. But researchers have been trying to solve this problem in different ways for some years now and there has been a lot of advances. Read this wonderful book and keep a look out on the roads, for wildlife and the the design of the crossings that have been engineered for them!
So who hasn’t watched reality TV and wondered is this real or set up? How far will some contestants go to win the prize- in this case, win back a lost love?
This is a riveting, fictional account but it gives you the feeling it could happen if someone, somewhere decides it might get them ratings!
This is the third and probably final instalment in Carl Cleves’ amazing memories of his life as a global musician and ethnomusicologist. The first book was ‘Tarab: Travels with my Guitar’, the second ‘Dancing with theBones’. As always it is a riveting account of encounters both musical and non musical, as he and his music and life partner Parissa Bouas trek to mysterious places around the globe to be thrilled by previously unrecorded music and perform themselves in a variety of unusual places. There is a Q code in the book which when scanned will take you to a Spotify play list of 6 hours of some of the music that has influenced him through his life.
Jennifer Breukelaar is an award winning Australian fantasy and speculative fiction author.
Like all good S.F authors she riffs on current social tropes and expands them into to a ‘what if’ and this novel, about two distinct classes separated by a physical bridge into the haves and have nots is a gripping example.
The Read
The Interview
Recorded at CONFLUX 2022
authors in their own words <meta name='ir-site-verification-token' value='1373807929' />