Why is it most women fear ageing , and is it the same for men? If not, why not? How can we come to terms with society’s judgements and remain confident no matter what our age? Jacinta Parsons comes to grips with all these knotty questions.
Yumna reads three short vignettes that pack a huge emotional punch. In ‘Politica’ she highlights inequities in society and deplores the anonymity of victims of war.
The Read
The Interview
Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2024
Toby Walsh- Faking it: Artificial Intelligence in a human world
A.I has integrated into every part of our lives – almost before we were aware of it. What does the future hold for this technology? How can it help us, or hinder us? Toby Walsh is a world expert on A.I – this book is about keeping it real.
The Read
The Interview
Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2024
The Secret to Happiness it appears is fulfilling relationships with people who love you, and not thinking about yourself all the time! The longest running case study in the world on what it takes to make a happy life.
Jacinta Parsons reaches for mythological archetypes like ‘the witch’ ,’the mother’, and ‘the slut’ to demonstrate how women have been placed in boxes all their lives .Much more than a memoir about ageing.
Anke Richter is a journalist who puts herself on the line in this book by joining a number of different cults and sects to try and understand from the inside what draws people into these organizations. Sometimes she finds things out about herself in the process.
With so many issues in the world today it is easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless – but Natalie Isaacs believes you can be a force for radical change but first you have to believe it is possible – in short, you have to have positive optimism!
Natalie Isaacs – The Read
Natalie Isaacs – The Interview
Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2023
Megan Stack found herself working from home but being a full time professional journalist with two children, needed a little help around the house – which started her thinking about the value of that ‘help’ and how to calculate the contribution of ‘women’s work’.
She has written an indepth examination of just what is defined as’women’s work’, and attempted to calculate the value of this work to our society. Thought provoking, and probably just plain provoking to some who have tended to devalue the sorts of tasks that millions of women perform daily.
Here she reads from her book at the point where she begins to think about those other women who come to work for her, their origins, their expectations , in contrast to her own life.
David Leser “ Women, Men and the Whole Damn Thing”
I like the sense of mild exasperation suggested by the title of David Leser’s latest book where he applies his not inconsiderable skills of investigative journalism to the current latest global discussion on the relationship between the sexes.
David Leser reads from “ Women, Men and the Whole Damn Thing”
Naturally the first thing I asked Ali Alizadeh was what he felt he had to add to the enormous canon of books, films and plays, that have been written about this real but almost semi mythical historical woman. He believes he really has a special mission to write about her last days in a way no-one else has done before . His extensive research and obvious empathy for his subject has produced a new insight into the last days of this tragic figure.
Ali Alizadeh reads from -‘ The Last Days of Jeanne d’Arc’
Ali Alizadeh – Interview
Recorded at Byron writers Festival 2018
authors in their own words <meta name='ir-site-verification-token' value='1373807929' />