Food and Cuisine

There’s an awful lot of cookbooks in the world, but writing  about what we have eaten in the past is less common  as it requires a lot of research and sometimes a strong stomach! When it comes to what we put on our plates, tastes have changed – but some cuisine researchers argue persuasively for a reappraisal and return to former ways. And then there is growing your own food!

MATTHEW EVANS - On Eating Meat

Whether you are a confirmed meat lover, vegetarian, or vegan this book is required reading to fully understand the ramifications of the decisions we make on a daily basis when it comes to food. Matthew Evans believes in sustainable agriculture, and his research will show you just how complex and interwoven is the process by which we produce and consume food.

Recorded at Byron Writers Festival 2019


Matthew Evans has examined many of the foods we eat in great depth and in this book he turns his focus onto Milk- an everyday substance that is actually quite miraculous.

Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2024

Hannah Maloney - Good Life Growing

Whether it's a pot on the windowsill or a raised bed out the back garden, there's nothing like the satisfaction of watching your next meal grow! Hannah Maloney is well known for her long pink locks and her cheerful presence on the ABC Gardening show. She is passionately committed to teaching all of us to take responsibility for growing just a little bit of food and she sees gardening as a radical act.

Recorded at Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2024


Jacquie Newling - Head pic

Jacquie delves into the past of Victorian and colonial diets and cuisine - not for vegetarians!

Recorded at Sydney Writers Festival 2016

JOHN NEWTON- The Oldest Foods on Earth

John Newton pic John has researched the foods the first peoples to this continent ate for thousands of years- and suggests we should be incorporating more of these foods into our daily diet and that  this might have also a unifying effect on our multi-cultural community.

Recorded at Sydney Writers Festival 2016

SANDY LUHR - Sandy's Soulfoods

Sandy is a crack surfer and has two teenage sons- need I add more? Recipes that are fast and easy and filling! Here is a short interview with Sandy on why she loves to cook.

Recorded at the Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival 2022

This site is brought to you by artist Karena Wynn-Moylan

This site is wholly designed and maintained by Fine Artist Karena Wynn-Moylan. View more of her paintings by clicking on the image here. Paintings, books, prints for sale and commissions accepted through her website . (Image shown: 'How to make a sustainable soup'  Oil on Linen 100cms X 100cms - 3 Panels POA  )

MINDY WOODS - Karkalla at Home

It's time we all started eating more delicious bush foods. How do we cook them, what do we use them in? Mindy Woods, a top Indigenous chef, tells you how in a beautifully photographed book.

Recorded at the Byron Writers Festival 2024

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