As a nation we have an image of ourselves which p perhaps doesn’t quite match up to the reality. Are we a ‘classless’ society? Do we believe we are truly multicultural? Time for some navel gazing and soul searching and some deep honesty about our past, present and future.
We’re back from the holiday break and ready to bring you lots more author’s reads and interviews throughout the coming year.
If you are an author and receiving this and have a new book coming out this year, remember to let us know!
Publishers, make sure we know which Writer’s Festivals and events your authors will be attending this year. We will try and attend as many as we can.
And readers, tell your friends and subscribe- it’s free, private, and an exclusive way to hear up and coming and established writers from Australia and around the globe.
In 2019, the Narratives Library website had more than one million hits! Thank you for sharing! This site is all about the importance of the written word and the value of ideas- whether fiction or non-fiction, for all ages.
To start the year off- here is Bruce Pascoe reading and talking about his children’s book – ‘Young Dark Emu’ – which is a smaller version of his previously published work ‘Dark Emu‘ .
Bruce Pascoe reading from ‘Young Dark Emu’
To buy this book, click on the image -Booktopia.Bruce Pascoe reading from his book ‘Young Dark emu’
If soundfile NOT displayed, click on link at the bottom of the page.
Bruce Pascoe Interview
If sound file NOT displayed, click on link at the bottom of this page.
Remember that all the images on our posts and site connect you to Booktopia .If you like the sound of a book go over and buy a copy to support books and writers.
Stay tuned for more posts , and don’t forget, you can always drop us a line at narrativeslibrary @gmail – we’d love to hear from you!
Recorded at Byron Writers Festival 2019
authors in their own words <meta name='ir-site-verification-token' value='1373807929' />