Tag Archives: graeme’ base

New Authors added this month!

This month Narratives has been recording at Somerset Storyfest in Queensland and will be adding some fantastic new authors in the Young Adult, Young Readers and Children’s picture book sections.

First up this week we have added Felice Arena with his ripping World War 2 boys own adventure story ‘ The Boy and the Spy’.


Interview with Felice Arena

Audio Player


And for the littler kids, here is a new picture book from the fabulous Graeme Base‘Jungle Drums’. Graeme read the whole book in our Children’s Books category and here is the interview . And for the fans, Graeme doesn’t think there will be too many more books coming as after about 30 books  he thinks he should stop ‘colouring in’ as he terms it!


Interview with Graeme Base

Audio Player


Coming up in the next few weeks we have:

Jane Caro with ‘Just Flesh and Blood

Zanni Louise with ‘Archie and the Bear

Nikki McWatters  with her latest work ‘ Liberty

Jodi McAlister with ‘Valentine

Wai Chim with ‘Freedom Swimmer’ the true story of her father’s escape from China by swimming to Hong Kong;

Violet Grace with the third instalment in the Chess Raven series ‘ The Girl who Fell’ 

and Peter Wargent gives us 20 tips for making your  children money wise with ‘Wealth Ways for the Young’.


So stay tuned and don’t forget clicking on  all our book covers take you to Booktopia if you want to hear more of the  story!

This site is brought to you by artist Karena Wynn-Moylan

This site is wholly designed and maintained by Fine Artist Karena Wynn-Moylan. View more of her paintings by clicking on the image here. Paintings, books, prints for sale and commissions accepted through her website . (Image shown: 'My sky filled up with colours when my feet followed the light' - Oil on Linen - 100 cms X 60 cms POA)